Stay on top of your medication with our free service—we’ll manage it all for you.
If you’re new to our free prescription service, simply complete the quick registration below—it takes only 2 minutes. Let us handle your prescriptions and have your medication ready each time you place an order.
After completing the nomination form below, you’re all set! For your next prescription, simply place an order with the pharmacy (or your GP), and it will be sent directly to us. We’ll prepare it for you to either collect from the pharmacy or have it delivered to your door.
If you currently collect your repeat prescriptions from your GP, switching to electronic prescriptions can save you time and effort. Instead of visiting your GP practice to pick up a paper prescription, your GP will send it electronically to the pharmacy of your choice. This gives you more flexibility to collect your medicines from a pharmacy near your home, workplace, or favourite shopping spot. Additionally, electronic prescriptions mean your repeat medications can be prepared in advance, so you may not have to wait as long when you arrive at the pharmacy.
To have your GP practice send your prescriptions electronically, you’ll need to choose a nominated destination. This process, called nomination, allows you to select where your prescriptions will be sent. You can choose:
Simply ask any pharmacy or dispensing appliance contractor that supports EPS, or your GP practice, to set up your nomination. There’s no need for a computer to complete this process.
Yes, you can change your nomination or cancel it and request a paper prescription. If you prefer not to have your prescription sent electronically, inform your GP.
To change or cancel your nomination, speak to any pharmacist, dispensing appliance contractor offering EPS, or your GP practice. Be sure to do this before your next prescription is due to ensure it’s not sent to the wrong place.
Yes, if you have a stable condition and prefer not to visit your GP practice every time to collect your repeat prescription, or if you usually collect your medicines from the same place or use a prescription collection service, this system could be ideal for you.
However, it might not be suitable if you don’t require prescriptions frequently or tend to pick up your medicines from different locations.
Yes, your electronic prescription will be accessible to the same individuals in GP practices, pharmacies, and NHS prescription payment and fraud agencies who currently handle paper prescriptions.
Dispensers may also see if you have nominated another dispenser. For instance, this could occur if you forget your nominated pharmacy and ask them to check, or if you have nominated multiple dispensers. Additionally, dispensers will have access to all the items on your reorder slip if you are on repeat prescriptions.
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